
User Guide for Future Academic Planner (FAP)


Future Academic Planner (FAP) is a robust academic management software designed to help streamline NUS Computer Engineering (CEG) student’s academic journey at NUS. If you can type fast, FAP can get your module planning done faster than your traditional GUI app.

Content Navigation:

Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have java 11 or above installed on your computer

  2. Download the latest FAP.jar from here

  3. Copy the file FAP.jar to a new empty folder

  4. Open a command terminal in the directory of the folder, and use java -jar FAP.jar to run the application

  5. Type commands in the terminal and press enter to execute them
    • Some example commands are:
      • add c/COURSE_CODE w/WHEN: Add a module (COURSE_CODE) to your module plan on Semester (WHEN)
      • view: Shows your module plan so far
      • bye: Exits the FAP application
  6. Head to Features right below for more details on each command

  7. Alternatively, Refer to Command Summary for the list of commands available


IMPORTANT: All arguments must be provided and must follow the specified order in Format

Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user

User Management

Personalization: set

set: Personalises the bot for the user

Format: set n/NAME curr/CURR_SEM

NAME represents the name of the user

CURR_SEM represents the current semester (From 1-8) the user is currently in

Example usage:

set n/James Gosling curr/1

Expected output:

Greetings James Gosling! Your details are updated:
You are currently in Semester 1

Course Management

Add module: add

add: Adds modules to the user’s course plan

Format: add c/COURSE_CODE w/WHEN

Example usage:

add c/CS2113 w/4

Expected output:

Added the new module: CS2113
Software Engineering & Object-Oriented Programming

Remove module: remove

remove: Removes modules from the user’s course plan

Format: remove c/COURSE_CODE

Example usage:

remove c/CS2113 (assuming CS2113 is in the list)

Expected output:

Module CS2113 removed!

View modules: view

view: Allows users to view their academic plan.

Format: view

Example usage:


Example output:

CEG Study Plan for: James Gosling
| Y1S1 [Sem 1] | Y1S2 [Sem 2] | Y2S1 [Sem 3] | Y2S2 [Sem 4] |
|CS1010        |CG2111A       |CS2040C       |CS2113      A+|
|CG1111A       |PF1101      A-|EE2026        |CG2271        |
|              |DTK1234       |              |              |
| Y3S1 [Sem 5] | Y3S2 [Sem 6] | Y4S1 [Sem 7] | Y4S2 [Sem 8] |
|CP3880        |              |CG4002        |              |
- Current Study: Semester 4
- Total MCs taken: 36 / 160
- Total MCs listed: 56 / 160

view c/COURSE_CODE: Allows users to view specific course information

Format: view c/COURSE_CODE

Example usage:

view c/GEX1007

Example output:

| Title: Geopolitics: Geographies of War & Peace          Credits: 4 |
| Description: This is cross-Faculty course aimed at introducing     |
| Geopolitics to a broad range of students. The course is designed   |
| to be as engaging and interactive as possible: utilising various   |
| multi-media tools, including documentary clips, news media, filmic |
| resources, popular journals and magazines. Not surprisingly, the   |
| course has a very lively section on Popular Geopolitics. In        |
| addition, we introduce students to the interactions of geopolitics |
| and political space through detailed examination of different      |
| geopolitical eras and codes, specifically: Cold War Geopolitics    |
| and the Human Landscapes of Southeast Asia: and the so-called      |
| "Global War on Terror".                                            |

View remaining modules to graduate: graduate

graduate: Allows users to view the remaining core CEG modules left to take along with their respective MCs

Format: graduate

Example usage:

graduate (assuming add was never called on any valid modules)

Expected output:

| Course Code               | MCs        |
| ES2631                    | 4          |
| CS1010                    | 4          |
| GEA1000                   | 4          |
| DTK1234                   | 4          |
| EG1311                    | 4          |
| IE2141                    | 4          |
| EE2211                    | 4          |
| CDE2501                   | 4          |
| CDE2000                   | 4          |
| PF1101                    | 4          |
| CG4002                    | 8          |
| MA1511                    | 2          |
| MA1512                    | 2          |
| MA1508E                   | 4          |
| EG2401A                   | 2          |
| EG3611A                   | 10         |
| CP3880                    | 12         |
| CG1111A                   | 4          |
| CG2111A                   | 4          |
| CS1231                    | 4          |
| CG2023                    | 4          |
| CG2027                    | 2          |
| CG2028                    | 2          |
| CG2271                    | 4          |
| CS2113                    | 4          |
| EE2026                    | 4          |
| EE4204                    | 4          |
Be sure to also complete 40MCs of Unrest
ricted Electives, GESS, GEC, and GEN mod

Grade Management

Change grade: grade

grade: Input or adjust the grade obtained for a module

Format: grade c/COURSE_CODE g/GRADE

COURSE_CODE represents the module that you want to input a grade for

GRADE represents the grade you attained for that module

Example usage:

grade c/cs1231 g/B

Expected output:

Grade for CS1231 updated to B

View GPA: gpa

gpa: Shows user their current GPA

Format: gpa

Example usage:


Expected output:

Your current GPA is: 4.25

Feasibility of desired GPA: desiredgpa

desiredgpa: Checks if user’s desired final GPA is possible with regard to current GPA, and show a combination of required grades to obtain to achieve the desired GPA

Format: desiredgpa DESIRED_GPA

Example usage:

desiredgpa 4.75 (assuming 2 mods already inputted, 1 A and 1 B)

Expected output:

To obtain desired GPA of: 4.75
You will need: 21 A and 17 A-
With the above grades, your end GPA will be: 4.75

Miscellaneous commands

Display help message in FAP: help

help: View list of command syntax available for FAP

Format: help

Example usage:


Expected output:

Available Commands:
NOTE: "<WORD>" represents a user-typed argument that is required for the command
1. set n/<NAME> curr/<CURR_SEM> - Set name & current semester
2. add c/<COURSE_CODE> w/<WHEN> - Add a module to your schedule
3. remove c/<COURSE_CODE> - Remove a module from your schedule
4. grade c/<COURSE_CODE> g/<GRADE> - Add or change a module grade
5. gpa - View your GPA
6. desiredgpa <GPA> - Calculates grades needed to achieve a desired GPA
7. view - View modules on your schedule
8. view c/<COURSE_CODE> - View selected module information
9. graduate - View remaining core modules and MCs left to graduate
10. help - View command syntax and list of commands available for FAP
11. bye - Exit the program

Argument format:
<NAME>: Alphabetic characters and optionally spaces between
<CURR_SEM>: Valid semester from 1-8
<COURSE_CODE>: Valid NUS course code from AY23-24
<WHEN>: Valid semester from 1-8
<GRADE>: Alphabetic grade (A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, D+, D, F, CS, S)
<GPA>: Number from 0 to 5

Exit Program: bye

bye: Close and exits the program safely

Format: bye

Example usage:


Expected output:

Bye. Enjoy your studies!


Q: How do I edit a module if I accidentally added it to a wrong semester?

A: Currently you will need to remove the module then add it again to the correct semester.

Q: How do I edit a module if I accidentally added it with a wrong gpa?

A: You can use the command grade c/COURSE_CODE g/GRADE.

Q: What if I S\U the mod, and the mod in the list originally has a grade?

A: You can use the command `grade c/COURSE_CODE g/GRADE, then in the GRADE section put S.

Q: How can I change the current semester I am currently in?

A: You can type the set command again to indicate the current semester you are in.

Command Summary

Command format:

Argument format: